Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders Wiki

The Guardian of the Magic, also known as the Guardian of the Hall of Wizards, is a recurring episodic character in both seasons of Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders, voiced by the late Bob Kaliban. He is a guardian genie introduced in "Wizard's Peak" and returning in the second season's "Morgana".

The Guardian was once a servant genie of ancient wizards in charge of guarding the Hall of Wizards, their main lair located inside the remote Wizard's Peak. He has dutifully remained at his post for centuries after last seeing any wizard, not aware they have been defeated by Merlin, until being awoken from his slumber.

In the show[]

Guardian 1

Princess Gwenevere face to face with the just released Guardian

When Princess Gwenevere and Drake enter the Hall of Wizards for the first time, Drake accidentally releases the Guardian of the Magic. The Guardian appears in the form of a towering vicious-looking creature and assumes the pair are thieves who came to rob the place. He immediately attacks them with his powerful magic and causing them to fall into a chasm. But when the evil Lady Kale's dweasel minions come in next, and manage to convince him they actually are wizards, the Guardian turns into a non-threatening-looking friendly genie similar to the one from Disney's Aladdin. He then starts obeying their silly wishes, but he becomes increasingly annoyed and suspicious until eventually figuring out they are really there only to steal a Crown Jewel, after which he begins chasing after them. Their arrival outside distracts Kale just in time before she can attack Gwen and Drake stranded in the snow, allowing them to secure the jewel. The Guardian then meets and recognizes the "Master Merlin", briefly summoned by Gwen through the Jewel Box, who sends him back to his ancient slumber.

Guardian 8

Lady Kale orders the Guardian to destroy the Jewel Riders

Later, Queen Anya sends the Jewel Riders back to the Hall of Wizards in hope that the Guardian might know how to bring Merlin back from his Wild Magic exile. But Lady Kale gets there before them, and when the Guardian emerges from a mirror, Morgana appears and commands him to obey Kale and help her to find the book of magic. When the Jewel Riders do come, the Guardian reluctantly obeys Kale's command to destroy them and attacks. A fierce magic battle ensues in which he takes form of many creatures and objects, including even an AT-AT from Star Wars. But after the Jewel Riders fight him off enough, they and Archie the owl manages to explain to him they work for Merlin, and he is bound to obey him—and they are the good guys. Together, they chase after Kale to stop her from escaping with the book, but once they do catch her, Morgana re-appears to free Kale and capture the Jewel Riders. Seeing his newfound friends trapped and in grave danger, the Guardian decides to break his bonds. He turns against Morgana, for the first time acting on his own will, and saves the day as the book of magic is destroyed before Kale could bring it to Morgana. Stating that "accepting responsibility deserves a reward", the Princess of Avalon then officially grants him his freedom.

Behind the scenes[]

Guardian had bull-like horns (and no earrings) in the original storyboard for "Wizard's Peak". In the storyboard's notes there are references to the character of the demon Chernobog from Disney's Fantasia in the Guardian's vicious form (also tornado-like twirling in the style of the Looney Toons Tasmanian Devil), and to the overenthusiastic impression of the actor Jim Carrey when he serves the dweasels.[1] The "Wizard's Peak" episode was renamed after him as "Le Génie du joyau" in the French version (Princesse Starla et les Joyaux magiques).

Demonic Guardian


List of characters
List of episodic characters

Main characters
Jewel Riders (Princess Gwenevere, Fallon, Tamara, Sunstar, Moondance), Lady Kale, Morgana, Archimedes, Drake
Major characters
Merlin, the Pack, Shadowsong, Queen Anya, Ian, Rufus and Twig, baby animals
Other characters
King Jared and Goliath, Grimm, Thunderbolt, Cleo, Spike, Travel Trees, Guardian, ancient wizards, Lord Batton, Gliders, Kit, Arienda and the Faery Wraiths, Outlaws, Wintermane


Magic, Wild Magic, Jewel Quest, Jewel Armor
Magic jewels
Enchanted Jewels (Sun Stone, Moon Stone, Heart Stone), Crown Jewels, Wizard Jewels (Dark Stone)
Places and items
Avalon, Crystal Palace, Enchanted Gardens, Hall of Wizards, Morgana's lair, Jewel Box, Merlin's key
Main magic users
Merlin, Wizards (Morgana), Kale, Jewel Riders (Gwenevere, Fallon, Tamara, Sunstar, Shadowsong, Moondance)
Other magic users
Anya, The Pack (Drake, Thunderbolt), Ian, Rufus and Twig, Babies (Cleo, Spike), Travel Trees, Guardian of the Magic, Arienda and the Faery Wraiths, Wild Magic Gliders, Kit
